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Gurjew, G. A.
Was ist das Weltall.,
1957 Globus, Wien 1957.,,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr., 54s + 7 Tafeln., in gutem Zustand, [SAP68].,

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PRIETO, J. J., Peterson, B. A., Winer, J.- A., Morphology and spatial distribution of GABergic neurons in cat primary auditory cortex (AI)., J. Comp Neurol. 344, 349-382 (1994)., Obr., [WES91]..,// PRIETO, J. J., Peterson, B. A., Winer, J. A., Laminar distribution and neuronal targets of GABAergic axon terminals in cat primary auditory cortex (AI)., J. Comp. Neurol. 344, 383-402 (1994), Obr.-,. [WES96]..,// CODE, R. A., Winer, J. A., Commissural neurons in layer III of cat primary auditory cortex (AI). Pyramidal and Non-pyramidal cell input. J. Comp. Neurol. 242, 485-510 (1985)., Kopie, Unterstr. [SD101]..,// CODE, R. A., Winer, J. A., Columnar organization and reciprocity of commissural connections in cat primary auditory cortex. (AI)., Hearing Res. 23, 295-222 (1978)., Kopie, [SD101]..,// WINER, J. A., Neurons accumuilating 3 [H-gamma-aminobutyric caid (GABA) in supragranular layers of cat primary auditory cortex., Neuroscience 19, 771-793 (1986)., Obr., [SD185].., // WINER, J. A., Diamon, I. T., Raczkowski, D., Subdivisions of the auditory cortex in the cat. The retrograde transport of HRP to the medial geniculate body and posterior thalamic nuclei. J. Comp Neurol., 176,, 387-418 (1977)., Kopie, [SD185].., //

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MÜLLER-PREUSS, P., Mitzdorf,. U.,
Functional anatomy of the inferior colliculus and the auditory cortex. Current source density analyses of click-evoked potentials,

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Greferath, U., U. Grünert, J. M. Fritschy, A. Stephenson H. Möhler & H. Wässle
GABAa rceptor subunits have differentioal distrbutions in the cat retina., In situ hybridization and immuohistochemistry.,

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Foerster, Heinz (Ed.)
Die Legende vom Monte del Diabolo. Local color stories.,

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