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Harte, Bret
Mrs. Skaggs s husbands.
1910 Collier & Son, New York o. J. (ca 1910)., ,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

originalgetreuer Einband (Faks.). , 352s., in gutem Zustand, [LSA53,3a].

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Dreyer, Ernst-Jürgen
Robert Gund (Gound) 1865 - 1927. Ein vergessener Meister des Liedes.

EUR 29,00
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Heimeran, Ernst
Ernstgemeint. Entgleisungen in Poesie und Prosa.,

EUR 7,00
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STRÖM, G. Influence of local thermal stimulation of the hypothalamus of the cat on cutaneous blood flow and respiration rat. Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-47-76 (1950)., Obr-. [WES118].. // STRÖM, G. Influence of skin temperature on vasodilator response to hypothalamic heating in the cat. Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-,77-82 (1950)., Obr-. WES118].. // STRÖM, G., Vasomotor responses to thermal and electrical stimulation of frontal lobe and hypothalamus., Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-,83-112, (1950)., Obr-. [WES118].. // ELIASSON, S., Ström, G., On the localization in the cat of hypothalamic and cortical structures influencing cutaneous blood flow., Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-,113-118, (1950)., Obr-. [WES118]..

EUR 6,00
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Finke, Ruth & Karl-Heinz Finke
Das goldene Netz, Strom erobert den Haushalt.,

EUR 6,00
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Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena
