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Hättich, Manfred
Nationalbewußtsein und Staatsbewußtsein in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft.,
1966 Hase & Koehler, Mainz 1966.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr, Ou., 128s., Mit Widmung des Autors und beigelegtem Brief des Autors., in gutem Zustand, [SAP301].,

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Kratz, Lieselotte
Katschi reißt aus.,

EUR 4,00
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WAN, X. S. T., Trojanowski, J. Q., Honatas J. O., Liu, C. N., Cytoarchitecture of the extranuclear and commissural dendrites of hypoglossal neurons as reveled by conjugate of HRP with cholera toxin.Exp. Neurol. 78, 167-175 (1982) , Obr., [WES140]. // TROJANOWSKI, J. Q., Schmidt, M.L., Interneuronal transfer of axonally transported proteins. Studies with HRP and HRP conjugates of wheat germ agglutinin, cholra toxin and the B subunit of cholera toxin. Brain Res. 311, 366-369 (1984) , Obr., [WES146]. // TROJANOWSKI, J. Q., Obrocka, M. A., Lee, V. M. Y-. A comparison of eight different chromogen protocols for the demonstraion of immunoreactive neurofilaments or glial filaments in rat cerebellum using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and monoclonal antobodies. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 31, 1217-1223 (1983)., Obr. , [WES113]..,, //

EUR 6,00
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Frenkel, J.K..
Pathogenesis of infections of the adrenal gland leading to Addison’s disease in man. The role of corticoids in adrenal and generalized infection.

EUR 4,00
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Fischer, Marie Louise
Schatten der Schuld.,

EUR 4,00
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