Haug-Schnabel, Gabriele Wie Kinder trocken werden können. 1998 Oberstebrink, Ratingen 1998,
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KATO, N. KATO, N., Kawaguchi, S., Yamamoto, T Samejima, A., Miyata, H., Postnatal development of geniculocortical projection in the cat. Electrophysiological and morphological studies., Exp. Brain Res. 51, 65-72 (1983)., Orb., [WES115].-.// KATO, N., Kawaguchi, S.-, Miyata, H., Postnatakl development of afferent projections to the lateral suprasylvianm visual rea in the cat. An HRp study., J. CompNeurol, 252, 543-554 (1986)., Orb., [WES115]..,// KATO, N., Acetylcholinesterase staining can be used to subdivide the lateral posterior nucleus in newborn kittens., Developm. Brain Res. 30, 13000-13003 (1986)., Obr., [SD158]..,
EUR 5,00 Details zum Buch... | Thomsen, Helmut. Hamburg.
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | CHAN-PALAY, V CHAN-PALAY, V., Immunocytochemical and autoradiographic methods to demonstrate the coexistence of neuroactive substances. Cerebellar Purkinje cells have glutamic acid decarboxylase, cysteine sufinic acid decarboxylase, and motilin immunoreactivity. Acta Morph. Hung. 31, 193-212 (1983)., Obr., [SD64]..// BEITZ, A. J., Chan-Palay, V., The medial cerebellar nucleus in the rat. nuclear volume, cell number, density and orientation. Neuroscience 300, 31-45 (1979).,., [SD44].. // CHAN-PALAY, V., Combined immunocytochemistry and autoradiography after in vivo injections of monoclonal antibody to substance P and 3H-serotonin. Coexistence of two pitative transmitteres in singel raphe cells and fiber plexuses. Anat. Embryol. 156, 241-254 (1979)., Obr., [SD76]..,// CHAN-PALAY, V., Wu, J. Y., Palay, S. L., Immunocytochemical localization of gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase at cellular and ultrastructural levels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 76, 2067-2071 (1979)., Obr., [WES53]..,// CHAN-PALAY, V, Palay, S. L., Immunocytochemical localization of cyclic GMP. Light and electron microscopic evidence for involvement of neuroglia. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76,. 1485-1488 (1979)., Obr., [WES53].., // CHAN-PALAY, V., Immunocytochemical detection of substance P neurons, their processes and connections by in vivo microinjections of monoclonal antibodies. Anat. Embryol. 156, 225-240 (1979)., Obr-., [SD64].. // CHAN-PALAY, V., Coexistence of two putative transmitters in single raphe cells and fiber plexuses. Anat. Embryol. 156, 241-254 (1979)., Obr., [SD64]..// CHAN-PALAY, V., Yonezawa, T., Yoshida, S., Palay, S., Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors visualized in spinal cord cultures by 3H-muscimol autoradiography. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75, 6281-6284 (1978)., Obr., [WES53].., // CHAN-PALAY, V., Morphological correlates of transmitter synthesis, transport, release, uptake and catabolism. A study of serotonin neurons in the nucl. paragigantocellularis latralis. In Amino acids as chemical transmitters, F. Fonnum (Ed.):, Plenum, New York 1978, pp. 1-30, Obr., [SD64].. // CHAN-PALAY, V., Immunocytochemical and autoradiographic methods to demonstrate the coexistence of neuroactive substances. Cerebellar Purkinje cells have glutamic acid decarboxylase and motilin immunoreactivity, and raphe neurons have serotonin and substance P immunoreactivity. In Cytochemical Methods in Neuroanatomy, R. A., Liss (Ed.):, New Ypork 1982, pp. 93-118 , Obr., [SD64].. //
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