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Herzogenrath, Wulf
Paula Modersohn-Becker und die Worpsweder., Zeichnungen und Druckgrafik 1895 – 1906.,
1997 Paula Modersohn-Becker Stiftung 1997.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr, Ou., Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm, 150s., in gutem Zustand, [LSB26,2a] (2)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
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Orthmann, Edwin (Ed.)
Das Raumschiff. Wissenschaftlich-phantastische Erzählungen aus aller Welt.,

EUR 4,00
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Braun, Harald
Das Herz der Königin.,

EUR 4,00
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Harris, Walter
Hibernica. Or, Some Antient Pieces Relating to Ireland. A fragment of the history of ireland. By Maurice Regan. Appendix, containing an alphabetical list of such English and Welsh adventurers, as assisted in the reduction of Ireland during the first sixteen years from the invasion from Girlus Cambrensis., / The story of King Richard the Secound. Hist last being in Irland. By George Earl of Totness / A breviat of the getting of Irland and of the decaie of the same by Patrick Finglas. / By the King, a project fort he division and plantation of the escheated lands in six several counties of Ulster.,/ Pennar’s survey of Ulster . / A Letter from sir Thomas Philips, to the King Charles I. Concerning the plantations of the Landowners., An Essay on the defects in the histories of Ireland.,

EUR 312,00
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Kindermann, Peter-Lutz
Berlin in der Westentasche.,

EUR 16,00
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Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena
