Hardach, Gerd & Jürgen Schilling Das Buch vom Markt. Eine Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeschichte., 1980 Bucher, Luzern 1980.,
gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | MASLAND, R. H. MASLAND, R. H., Mills, J. W., Hayden, S. A., Acetylcholine-synthesizing amacrine cells. Identification and selective staining by using radioautography and fluorescent markers. Proc. R.- Soc. London B 223, 79-100 (1984)., Obr., [SD36]..,// MASLAND, R. H., Mills, J. W., Cassidy, C. The functions of acetylcholine in the Rabbit retina.Proc. R. Soc. London B 223, 121-139 (198300), Obr., [SD22], // OMALLEY, D. M., Masland, R. H., Co-release of acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid by a retinal neuron. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 86, 34134-3418 (1989):, Obr-., [SDG68]..// TAUCHI, M., Masland, R. H., The shape and arrangement of the cholinergic neurons in the rabbit retina. Proc. R. Soc. London B 223, 101-119 (1984)., Obr., [SD14]., , // O MALEY, D. M., Masland, R. H., Responses of the starburst amacrine cells to moving stimuli. J. Neurophysiol. 69, 730-738(1993)., Obr., [SDG68]..
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