Herzig, Martin (Ed.) Temperamente., Blätter für Junge Literatur., Nr. 2 (1984), 1984 Neues Leben, Berlin 1984,
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EUR 9,00 Details zum Buch... | Lund, Ray & John Newsome-Davis Disease, transplantation and regeneration., / S.. T. Warren & D. L. Nelson- Trinucleoride repeat expansions in neurological disease. / A. H. V. Shapira. Mitochondrial cytopathies. /S. B. Wharton & A. A. Nash. Virus – cell interactions in the nervius system and the role of immune response.,
EUR 7,00 Details zum Buch... | IIJIMA, K., IIJIMA, K., Ogawa, T., An HRP study on the distribution of all nuclei innervating the supraoptic nucleus in the rat brain. Acta Histochem. 69, 27300-265 (1981) , Obr.,,[SD3008]. , / IIJIMA, K., Saito H. , Histochemical studies on the distribution of thiamine pyrophosphatase and enzymes related to carbohydrate metabolism in the intercalated neurons of the rat supraoptic nucleus. Amer. J. Anat. 167, 265-273 (1983) , Obr.,,[SD3008]. /
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