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Hönn, Karl
Staat und Verwaltung in der römischen Kaiserzeit.,
1929 Teubner, Leipzig 1929,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr., 32s., in gutem Zustand, [SAP125].,

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MESHUL, C. K., Pappas, G. D.,
The relationship of pinocytosis and synaptic vesicles at the frog neuromuscular junction.,

EUR 4,00
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Meyrink, Gustav
Des deutschen Spießers Wunderhorn, I /& II. -.

EUR 16,00
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WALSH, C., Guillery, R. W., Fibre order in the pathways from the eye to the brain., TINS 7, 208-211 (1984)., Obr., Unterstr. [WES65].., // GUILLERY, R. W., Cavalcante, L. A., A note on the relative rates of degeneration in the crossed and the uncrossed retinofugal fibres in the Opossum Didelpghis marsupialis. J. Neurocytol. 24, 155-158 (1995)., Obr. [SD119]., .,// GUILLERY, R. W., Ombrellaro, M., LaMantia, A. L., The organization of the lateral geniculate nucleus and of the geniculocortical pathway that develops without retinal afferents. Developm. Brain Res. 20, 221-233 (1985)., Obr., [SD119]..,//

EUR 7,00
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Björklund, Anders
Björklund et al. Identification and terminal distribution of the tubero-hypophyseal monoamine fibre systems in the rat by means of stereotaxic and microspectro fluorimetric techniques. Brain Res. 17, 1-23 (1970), / Fluorescence microscopic and microspectro fluorometric techniques for the cellular localization and characterization of biogenic amines. Reprint from Methods of Investigative and Diagnostic Endocr. S. A.Berson (Ed.)., North Holland, Amsterdam 1972, p. 318-368, / The organization of the tubero hypophyseal and reticulo-infundibular catecholamine neuron systems in the rat brain. Brain Res. 51, 171-191 (1973), / Recovery of brain noradrenaline after 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-induced axonal lesions in the rat. Reprint from Cell Tiss. Res. 161, 145-155 (1975), / Evidence of an Incerto-hypothalamo dopamine neurone system in the rat. Brain Res. 89, 29-42 (1975),

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