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ASCHOFF, A., Fritz, N., Illert,M. Axonal transport of fluorescent compounds in the brain and spinal cord of cat and rat. D.G.Weiss, A.Gorio (Eds.), Axoplasmic transport in physiology and pathology. Heidelberg, Springer, p. 177-187, ,Obr.,[SD56].(),// ASCHOFF, A., Fritz, N., Illert, M., Axonal trasport of fluorescent compounds in the brain and spinal cord of cat and rat., Axoplamic transport in physiology and pathology., D. G. Weiss, A. Gorio (Eds.)., Springer, Berlin 1982, pp-. 177-187s-., Obr., [WES79]..,// // DEUSCHL, G., Illert, M., Aschoff, A., Holländer, H., Singe preganglionic sympathetic neurons of the cat branch intraspinally and project througfh different rami commmunicantes albi - a retrograde doible labellin g study with fluorescent tarcers., Neurosxci,. Letters 21. 1-5 (1981)., Obr., [SD172]..(4), // DUESCHL, G., Illert, M., Cytoarchitectonic organization of lumbar preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the cat., J. Autronom. Nervous System 3, 193-213 (1981)., Obr., [SD172].., (2). .,
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gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia


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