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JOHANSON, S. O., Crouch, M. F., Hendry, I. A.,
Retrograde axonal transport of signal transduction proteins in rat sciatic nerve.
1995 Brain Res. 690, 55-63 (1995).,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr., [WES57].

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DEL CERRO, M., Notter,, M. F. D., Del Cerro, C., Wiegand, S. J., Crover, D. A., Lazar, E., Intraretinal transplantation of rod-cell replacement in light-damaged retinas. J. Neural Transplantation 1, 1-10 (1989)., Obr., [WES108].., ,// DILORETO, D. A,., Martzen, M. R., Del Cerro, C., Coleman, P. D., Del Cerro, M., Müller cell changes precede photoreceptor degeneration in the age related retinal degeneration of the 344 Fischer Rat ., Brain Res. 698, 1-14 (1995)., Obr., [WES116]., // DILORETO, D., Cox, C., Grover, D. A., Lazar, E., Del Cerro, C., Del Cerro, M., The influence of age, retinal topography, and gender on retinal degeneration in the Fischer 344 rat., Brain Res. 63007, 181-191 (199300)., Obr., [WES116].,

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Zimmermann, Otto
Astronomisches Praktikum. I.,

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NICULESCU, L., Stancuz, C., Sima, A., Toporan, D., Simionescu, M.,
The total peroxyl radical trapping potential in serum - an assay to define the stage of atherosclerosis.

EUR 4,00
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Maeß, Dagmar
Salto ohne Netz. Ein Zirkusbuch.,

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