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Keller, Hans-Ulrich (Ed.)
Kosmos Himmelsjahr 1998., Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Jahreslauf.,
1997 Kosmos, Stuttgart 1997.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Ob., 253s., in gutem Zustand, [LSB24,6b].

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COLOSETTI, P., Olsson, T., Miyazonoi, K., Funa, K., Axotomy of rat facial nerve induces TGF-beta and latent TGF-beta binding proteins., Brain Res. Bull., 37, 561-567 (1995)., Obr., [SDg266].., // ENERBÄCK, L., Kristensson, K., Olsson, T., Cytomorphometric quantification of retrograde axonal transport of a fluorescent tracer (Primuline) in mouse facial neurons., Brain Res. 186, 21-32 (1980)., Kopie, Unterstr. [SD189].-..// OLSSON, T., Kristensson, K. , Uptake and retrograde axonal transport of HRP in normal and axotomized motor neurons during postnatal development. Neuropath. Appl. Neurobiol. 5, 377-387 (1979) , Kopie [SD30].,// OLSSON, T., Kristensson, K. A simple histochemical method for double labeling of neurons by retrograde axonal transport. Neurosci. letters 8, 265-268 (1978) , Kopie, [SD30]. //

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