Keller, Heinz (Ed.) Stiftung Oskar Reinhart Winterthur., Katalog der Gemälde und Skulpturen., 1961 Winterthur 1961,
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KOLB, B. KOLB, B., R. Gibb , Possible anatomical basis of recovery of function after neonatal frontal lesions in rats. Behavioural Neuroscience 107, 799-811 (1993) , Obr., [WES42]. [WES136]. // KOLB, B., Functions of the frontal cortex of the rat. A comparative review. Brain Res. Reviews 8, 65-98 (1984) , Obr., [SDG1].// KOLB, B., R. Ladowski, R. Gibb., G. Gorny , Does dendritic growth underly recovery from neonatal occipital lesions in rats? Behavioural Brain Res. 77, 125-133 (1996) , Obr., [WES42].[WES136] // KOLB, B., Gibb, R., Van der Kooy, D., Neonatal frontal cortical lesions in rats alter cortical structure and connectivity. Brain Res. 645, 85-97 (1994), Obr., [WES42].[WES136].,// STEWART, J., Kolb, B., Dendritic branching in cortical pyramidal cells in response to ovariectomy in adult female rats. Supression by neonatal exposure to testosterone. Brain Res. 654, 149-154 (1995)., Obr., [WES38]..
EUR 8,00 Details zum Buch... | PARKS, T. N. PARKS, T. N. , Changes in the length and organization of nucleus laminaris dendrites after unilateral otocyst ablation in chick embryos , J. Comp Neurol. 202, 3007-57 (1981) , Obr., [SD22]. // NEMETH, E. F., Jackson, H., Parks, T. N., Evidence for the involement of kainate receptors in synaptic transmission in the avian cochlear nucleus. Neurosci. Letters 59, 297-301 (1985), Obr., [SD62].. // JACKSON, H., Parks, T. N., Functional synapse elimination in the developing avian cochlear nucleus with simultaneous reduction in cochlear nerve axon branching. J. Neuroscience 2, 1736-173003 (1982)., Obr., [WEs57].., //, // CONLEE, J. W., Parks, T. N., Age- and position-dependent effects of monaural acoustic deprivation nin nucleus magnocellularios of the chicken. J. Comp Neurol. 202, 373-38300 (1981)., Obr., [SD102]..,// PARKS, T. N., Jackson, H., A developmental gradient of dendritic loss in the avian cochlear nucleus occurring indepently of primary afferents., J. Comp. Neurol., 227, 459--466 (1989., Obr., [WES113]..,
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