Killilea, Marie Karen. Ein cerebral gelähmtes Mädchen auf dem Weg ins Leben., 1994 DTV, München 1994,
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Vercors Cent ans d’histoire de France. II. Briand-l’oublie (1942-1962). Les nouveaux jours-. Esquisse d’une Europe-.
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | VAN DIJK, J. A. VAN DIJK, J- A. , J. A., On the conduction of the impuses, set up in a Bird s Tween-brain, causing changes in its muscle activity. Arch. Neerl. Physiol. 17, 504-524 (1932), Obr., . /VAN DIJK, J- A. On the nature of the diencephalic stimuli, affecting rhythmical muscular contractions in Birds. Arch. Neerl. Physiol. 17, 495-503 (1932), Obr.,
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