Küstner, Heinz Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 1949 J. A. Barth, Leipzig 1949.,
gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
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Weihönig, Eric (Ed.) Titanic. Das endgültige Satiremagazin. 11.Jahrgang, Heft 120., 1989 Limitierte Jubiläumsausgabe. 10 Jahre Titanic. , ,
EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | KOIJMA, M. KOJIMA, M., Sano, Y., The organization of serotoninergic fibers in the anterior column of the mammalian spinal cord. Anat. Embryol., 167, 1-11 // KOJIMA, M., Takeuchi, Y., Goto, M., Sano, Y-, Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of serotonin containing cell bodies in the brain stem of the dog., Acta Anat., 115. 8-22 (1983)., ., // KOJIMA, M., Takeuchi, Y., Goto, M., Sano, Y., Immunohistochemical study on the distriburtion of serotonin fibers in the spinal cord of the dog., Cell Tiss Res. 226, 477-491 (1982)., // KOJIMA, M., Takeuchi, Y., Kawata, M., Sano, Y., Motoneurons innervating the cremaster muscle of the rat are characteristically densely innervated by serotioninergic fibers as revealed by combined immunohistochemistry and retrograde fluorescent DAPI-lebeling., Anat. Embryol., 168,, 41-49 (1983(.,
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