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Le Gros Clark, W. E.
The thalamus of Tupaia minor., J. Anat. London 63, 177-198 (1929), // The thalamus of Tarsius., J. Anat. London 64, 371-414 (1930)., // The structure and connctions of the thalamus. Brain 55, 406-470 (1932)., // A morphological study of the lateral geniculate body., Brit. J. ophthalmol. 56, 264-284 (1932)., // The medial geniculate body and the nucleus isthmi., J. Anat. 67, 536-548 (19339., // On the connections of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus. , J. Anat. 67, 215-226 (1939., // The termination of ascending tracts in the thalamus of the Macaque monkey., J. Anat. 71, 7-40 (1937).,
1930 Konvolut, Kopien., 1929-1939

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

priv. Pappband, Kopien c.. 300s., in gutem Zustand, [APA24,1].,

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Morgan, Charles
Portrait in a Mirror.

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Reuter, Fritz
Kein Hüsung.,

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Beecher Stowe, Harriet
Onkel Toms Hütte.,

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Hüllweck, Karl
Die an Gott leiden., Erzählungen.,

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