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Lemsine, Aicha
Die Entpuppung. Ein Entwicklungsprogramm.
1990 Rowohlt, Hamburg 1990,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

TB., guter Zustand. 186s.(4)

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Saito, Kogagu & Kiyoshi Hama
A freeze.-fracture study of afferent and efferent synapses of hair cells in the sensory epithelium of the organ of Corti in the guinea pig.,

EUR 4,00
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NUTTALL, A. L,., LaRouere, M. J., Lawrence, M.,
Acute perilymphatic pertfusion in the guinea pig cochlea.

EUR 4,00
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CHALUPA, L. M., Snider, C. J., Kirby, M. A., Topographic organization in the retinocollicular pathway of the fetal cat demonstrated by retrograde labeling of ganglion cells., J. Comp. Neurol-., 368, 295-303 (1996)., Obr.-, [SDG120]..,// CHALUPA, L. M., Williams, R. W., Hughes, M. J., Visual response properties in the tectorecipient zone of the cat s lateral posterior-pulvinar complex. A comparison with the superior colliculus., J. Neuroscience 3, 2587-2596 (1983)., Obr., [SDG120]..,// CHALUPA, L. M., Williams, R. W., Prenatal development and reorganization in the visual system of the cat. In Development of visual pathways in ammals., R. A. Liss, New York 1198, pp. 89-102, Obr., [SD78]..,// BODNARENKO, S. R., Jeyarasasingam, G., Chalupa, L. M., Development and regulation of dendritic stratification in retinal ganglion cells by glutamate mediiated afferent activity., J. Neuroscience 15, 7037-7045 (1995)., Obr.-, [WES108]..,

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Lieder. Griechisch – deutsch.,

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