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KASPER, M., Noll., F., 2-bromo-1-naphthol - a novel chromogen for the immunoperoxidase technique in immunhistochemistry. Acta Histochem. Suppl-.. 35, 69-75 (1988)., Obr-, [SD158].. // LINDEMAN, J., Gisse, H,. von, Smid, L., Meijer, C. J. L. M., Evaluation of the automation of immuoenzymatic procedures in a routine histo/cytopathological laboratory. Histopathology 6, 739-746 (1982)., Obr., [SD18].., //
1993 Konvolut

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Ratte, Günter
Der Grass.,

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Seid zärtlich zueinander. Wie man die Angst vor Gefühlen überwindet.,

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GAARSKJAER, F. B., Danscher, G., West, M. J., Hippocampal mossy fiber sin the regio superior of the european hedegehog. Brain Res. 237, 79-90 (1982).,, // Organization of the mossy fiber system if the rat studied in extended hippocampi, I. terminal area related to number of granule and pyramidal cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 178, 49-72 (1978).,,// Organization of the mossy fiber system if the rat studied in extended hippocampi, II. Experimental analysis of fiber distribution with silver impregnation methods. J. Comp. Neurol. 178, 73-88 (1978). ,, // GAARSKJAER, F. B , The hippocampal mossy fiber system in the rat studied with retrograde tracing techniques. Correlation between topographic organization and neurogenetic gradients. J. Comp. Neurol. 203, 717-735 (1981).,

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Das Bild der Menschheit. Die ersten Weltreiche. 460 v. Chr. – 300 b. Chr. I. Die Welt Alexander.,

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