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Lewis, Willian Dodge:
American International Encylopedia. X. LYS-NASHUA
700 , Little & Ives Company, New York 1953,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oln.,, c. 400s., in gutem Zustand, [LSB37,4b].

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May, Karl
Winnetou I &. II.,

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Juncker, Axel (Ed.)
Stern Sprachführer Italienisch für den Touristen.

EUR 9,00
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HOSOYA, Y., Matsushita, M.., Sugiura, Y., A direct hypothalamic projection to the superior salivatory nucleus neurons in the rat. A study using anterograde autoradiuographic and retrograde HRP methodfs. Brain Res. 266, 329-333 (1983)., Obr., W[ES41]..,// HOSOYA, Y., Hypothalamic projections to the ventral medulla oblongata in the rat, with special reference to the nucleus raphe pallidus. A study using autoradiographic and HRP techniques., Brain Res. 344, 338-350 (1985)., Obr-,. [WES41]..,/ HOSOYA,. Y., Matsushita, M., Sugiura, Y., Hypothalamic descending afferents to cells of origin of the greater petrosal nerve in the rat., as revealedf by a combination of retrograde HRP and anterograde aurtoradiographic technqiues. Brain Res. 290, 141-145 (1984)., Obr-., [WES41]../ HOSOYA, Y., Sugiura, Y., The primary afferent projection of the greater petrosal nerve to the solitary complex in the rat, reevealed by transganglionic transport of HRP., Neurosci. Letters 44, 13-17 (1984)., Obr., [WES41]..,

EUR 7,00
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Klein, Eduard
Die Last der Berge,.,

EUR 4,00
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