LIEBERMAN, A. R. VAUDANO, E., Campbell, G., Anderson, P. N., Davies, A. P., Woolhead, C., Schreyer, D. J., Lieberman, A. R., The effects of a lesion or a peripheral nerve graft on GAP-43 upregulation in the adult rat brain. An in situ hybridization and immunocytoochemical study. J. neuroscience 15, 3594-3611 (1995)., Obr.,., [WES6].,., // MANFORD, M., Campbell, G., Lieberman, A.R., Postnatal development of ipsilateral retino-geniculate projections in normal albino rats and the effects of removal of one eye at birth. Anat. Embryol. 170, 71-78 (1984) , Obr., [WES2]. // SPACEK, J., Lieberman, A. R., Ultrastructure and three-dimensional organization of synaptic glomeruli in rat somatosensory thalamus., J. Anat. 117, 487-516 (1974)., Obr., WES114].., 1995 Konvolut
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