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WINFIELD, D. A.- WINFIELD, D. A., The postnatal development of synapses in the different lamiane of the visual cortex in the normal kitten and in kittens with eyelid sutures. Developm. Brain Res. 9, 155-169 (1983)., Obr., [SD70]..,// WINFIELD, D. A., Powell, T. P. S., Laminar cell counts and geniculo-cortical boutons in area 17 of cat and monkey. Brain Res. 277, 223-229 (1983)., Obr., [Sd70].., //
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Möllendorff, Wilhelm von Anatomie der Nierensysteme. .,
EUR 9,00 Details zum Buch... | RUSTIONI, A. FYFFE, R. E. W., Cheema, S. S., Light, A. R., Rustioni, A., The organization of neurons and afferent fibers in the cat cuneate nucleus. In Development, Organization, and Processing in Somatosensory Pathways, R. A. Liss, New York 1985, pp. 163-173, Obr., [SD70].., // RUSTIONI, A., Schmechel, D. E., Cheema, S., Fitzpatrick, D., Glutamic acid decarboxylase containig neurons in the dorsal column nuclei of the cat. Somatosenory Research 1, 329-357 ( 1984) , Obr., [SD3]. // RUSTIONI, A., Cuenod, M., Selective retrograde transport of D-aspartate in spinal interneurons and cortical neurons of Rats. Brain Res. 236, 143-155 (1982), Obr., [SD4]. // FITZPATRICK, D., Cheema, S., Merchenthaler, I., Rustioni, A. Improved visualization of neurons labeled with HRP. Silver intensification of the pyrocatechol / p-phenylendiamine reaction product.J. Neurosci. Methods 8, 161-169 (1983) . Obr. [SD17].
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