MELZER, P., MELZER, P., Van der Loos, H., Dörfel, J., Welker, E., Robert, P., Emery, D., Berrini, J. C., A magnetic device to stimulate selected whiskers of freely movong or restrained small rodents., Ist application ion a deoxyglucose study., Brain Res. 33008, 229-23000 (1985),m, Obr., [SD195]..(2), // MELZER, P-., Whole head sectioning in 3H-deoxyglucose mapping of auditory responses in gerbils,,m Brain Res. Bull., 12, 331-33300 (198300)., Obr., [SDg131].., // MELZER, P., The central auditory pathway of the gerbil, Psammomys obesus. A deoxyglucose study., Hearing Res. 15, 187-195 (198300)., Obr., [SD195]. (2)., // MELZER, P., A deoxyglucose study on auditory responses in the bat, Rhinolophus rouxi., Brain Res. Bull., 15, 67-681 (1985)., Obr., [SDG131].., // MELZER, P., The central auditory pathway of the gerbilö,, Psammomys obesus., A deoxyglucose study.,m Hearing Res. 15, 187-195 (198300)., Obr., [SD195].., // 1111 Konvolut
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Martin, K. A. C. & D. Whitteridge The relationship of dendritic field properties to the dendritic shape of neurones in the cat striate cortex J. Physiol., 356, 291-302 (1984)., Kopie, // Form, function and intracortical projections of spiny neurons in the striate cortex of the cat. J. Physiol.., 353, 463-504 (1984).,
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