Mittmann, Wolfgang Mord in der Heide. Kriminalroman. 1111 Neues Leben, Berlin 1984,
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Faralla, Dana Kinder des Luzifer.,
EUR 9,00 Details zum Buch... | PORTER, R. PORTER, R , The corticomotoneuronal component of the pyramidal tract. Corticomotoneuronal connections and functions in Primates. Brain Res. Reviews 10, 1-16 (1985) , Obr., [DS30]. // PORTER, R. , Cortical functions and control of movement. Cortical functions, descending control and locomotion. Eccles, Dimitrijevoc (Eds.)., Karger, Basel 1985, pp. 169-178 , Obr., [SD30] // PORTER, R. , Corticomotoneuronal projections. Synaptic events related to skilled movement. The Florey Lecture 1987 , Proc. R. Soc. London B 231, 147-168 (1987) , Obr.,[SD30].// GHOSH, S., Fyffe, R. E. W., Porter, R., Morphology of neurons in area 4gamma of the cat s cortex studied with intracellular injection of HRP. J. Comp. Neurol. 269, 290-312 (1988)., Obr., [WES49].
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