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Motoharashi, Y.
Effects of socioeconomic factors on secular trends in suicide in Japan 1953-86.,
1991 J. biosoc. Sci. 23, 221-227 (1991).,

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Ho Tschi Minh in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumente.,

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Ausgewählte Reden und Aufsätze. III. Oktober 1985 - Juli 1986.

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VAN EDEN, C. G., Steinbusch., H. W. M., Rinkens, A.-, De Vente, J., Developmental pattern of NADPH-diaphorase activity and nitric oxide stimulated cGMP immunoreactivity in the frontal rat cortex and ist role in nfunctional recovery from aspiration lesions. J. Cehm. Neuroanat. 10, 279-2286 (1996)ö, Obr., [WES102]..,// VAN EDEN, C. G.-, Development of connections between the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and the prefrontal cortex in the rat. J. Comp. Neurol., 244, 349-359 (1986)., Obr., [WES102].., // VAN EDEN, C. G., Uylings, H. B. M., Cytoarchitectonic development of the prefrontal cortex in the rat., J. Comp. Neurol. 241, 253-267 (1985)., Obr., [WES102]..,

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