Müns, Heike Niederdeutsches Liederbuch. Volkstümliche Lieder aus fünf Jahrhunderten., 1982 Hinstoff, Rostock 1982,
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REINOSO-SUAREZ, F. AMER-FERRER, G., Reinoso-Suarez, F., Projections from the 17/18 visual area transition zone to the ipsilateral visual fgield representation in the cat superior colliculus., Brain Res. 695, 283-288 (1995)., Obr., [WES112]..,.,// VELAYOS, J. L., Reinoso-Suarez, F., Topographic organization of the btrainstem afferents to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus. J. Comp Neurol. 206, 17-27 (1982). Obr, [WES93]..,// // GOMEZ-RAMOS, P., Perez-Rico, C., Reinoso-Suarez, F., Anterograde axoplasmic transport of peroxidase in the rat visual system after intraocular neurotoxin injection. Brain Res. 290, 211-218 (1984)., Obr., [WE128].. .,// CLASCA, F., Llamas, A., Reinoso-Suarez, F., Hypothalamic connections of the insular cortex in the cat. Brain Res. 490, 361-366 (1989).,. Obr., [WES83].. // MORAN, A., Avendano, C., Reinoso-Suarez, F, Thelamic afferents to the motor cortex in the cat. A HRP study, Neurosci. Letters 33, 229-233 (1982)., Obr., [SD173 [.,//
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