MURPHY, E. H. MURPHY, E. H., Grigonis, A. M., Hayden, T., E., Tashayyod, D., Wikles, M., The effects of ablation of visual cortex in neonatal rabbits on the organization of retinothalamic and retinopretectal projections. Developm. Brain Res, 38, 27-35 (1988)., Obr., [SD68]..,// MURPHY, E. H., Critical periods and the development of the rabbit visual ortex. In Developemnt of visual pathways in mammals. R. A. Liss,(Ed.):, New York 198300, pp. 439-462, Obr., [SD68].., //MURPHY, E. H., Magness, R., Development of rabbit visual cortex. a quantitative golgi analysis. Exp. Brain Res. 53, 304-314 (1984))., Obr., [WES59]..,// 1988 Konvolut
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