PAYNE, J. N., PAYNE, J. N., Lawes, I, N. C., Proctor, G. B.-, Horobin, ,R. W., Variation between different samples of SITS with respect to axonal transport and toxicity., Neurosci. Letters42, 229-234 (1983)., Obr., [WES114].., // PAYNE, J. N., The cerebellar nucleo-cortical projection in the rat studied by the retrograde fluorescent double-labeling method., Brain Res. 271, 141-144 (1983)., Orb., [WES114]..,// PAYNE, J. N., Wharton, S,. M., Lawes, I, N. C., Quantitative analysis of the topographical organization of olivocerebellar projections in the rat., Neuroscience 15, 403-415 (1985)., Obr., [WES114].., // LAWES, I. N. C., Payne, J.N., Quantification of branched neuronal projections labelled by retrograde fluorescent tracing. A study of olivo-cerebellar projections., J. Neurosci. Methods 16, 175-189 (1986)., Obr., [WES30].// 1987 Konvolut
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