Peters, Günther Mensch und Tierwelt. 1111 Urania, Leipzig 1979,
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Werke. Sanssouci-Ausgabe., VII. Die Dramen.,
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | BLOMQVIST, A. WIBERG, M., Blomqvist, A., The spinomesencephalic tract in the cat. Its cells of origin and termination patten as demonstrated by the intraaxonal transport method. Brain Res. 291, 1-18 (1984)., Obr., [SD110]..,// WIBERG, M., Blomqvist, A., The projection of the mesencephaolon from the dorsal column nuclei. An anatomical study in the cat. Brain Res. 311,. 225-244 (198300)., Obr., [SD110]..,//BLOMQVIST, A., Wiberg, M., Some aspects of the anatomy of somatosensory projections to the cat midbrain., In Development, organization and processing in somatosensory pathway, R. A. Liss, New York 1985, pp. 215-222 , Obr., [WES77]..,// BLOMQVIST, A., Flink, R., Westman, J., Wiberg, M., Synaptic terminals in the ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus from neurons in the dorsal column and lateral cervical nuclei. An electron microscopic study in the cat., J. Neurocytol., 14, 869-886 (1985)., Obr-., [WES77]..,
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