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Portmann, Adolf
Entläßt die Natur den Menschen. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Biologie und Anthropologie.,
1970 Deutscher Bücherbund, Stuttgart 1970.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oln, Ou., 381s., in gutem Zustand, [LSB22,6b].

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Ceny, Josef & Hayno Focken
Unter uns!. Scherz, Humor und Zeitvertreib für lustige Stunden.,

EUR 12,00
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ROCKLAND, K. S., Pandya, D.,N.
, Topography of occipital lobe commissural connections in the Rhesus Monkey.

EUR 4,00
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KÖHLER, C., Distribution and morphology of vasoactive intestinal popypeptide-like immunoreactive neurons in regio superior of the rat hippocampal formation. Neurosci. Letters 33, 265-270 (1982)., Obr., [SD59]..,// KÖHLER, C., Eriksson, L. G., Davies, S., Chan-Palay, V., Co-localization of neuropeptide tyrosine and somatostatin immunoreactivity in neurons of individual subfields of the rat hippocampal region. Neuroscience Letters 78,, 1-6 (1987)., Obr., [SD59]..,// KÖHLER, C., Steinbusch, H., Identification of serotoninergic and non-serotonin containing neurons of the mid-brain raphe projecting to the entorhinal area and the hippocampal formation. A combined immunohistochemical and fluorescent retrograde tracing srtudy in the rat brain., Neuroscience 4, 951-975 (1982)., Obr., [WES46]..,

EUR 6,00
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Knittel, John
Der Commandant., Roman aus Nordafrika.,

EUR 4,00
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