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Richter, H. P.
Juristische Grundkurse. II. Strafrecht. Allgemeiner Teil. I.
1995 Richter, Kiel 1995,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr., 116s., guter Zustand., [LSB12,3a]

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
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Caspari, Tina.
Mit 13 hat man täglich Ärger.Illustriert von Werner Heymann.

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Lehmann, Johannes
3 plus 8 und mitgemacht.

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KITAHAMA, K., Arai, R., Maeda, T., Jouvet, M.,
Demonstration of monoamine oxydase type B in serotonergic and type A in noradrenergic neurons in the cat dorsal pontine tegmentum by an improved hiostochemical technique.

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CANT, N. B., Morest, D. K., Axons from non-cochlear sources in the anteroventral cohlear nucleus of the cat. A study with the rapid golgi method., Neuroscience 3, 1003-1029, ((1978).,Kopie, // CANT, N., B., Identification of cell types in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus that project to the inferior colliculus. Neurosci.Letters 32, 241-246 (1982)., Kopie, // CANT., N. B., The fine structure of the lateral superior olivary nucleus of the cat., J. Comp. Neurol., 227, 63-77 (1984)., Kopie, // CANT, N. B., Morest, D. K., The structural basis for stimulus coding in the cochlear nucleus of the cat. In Hearing sciences, C. Bwerlin (Ed.)., London 1985, pp. 371-421, Kopie, // CANT, N. B., Casseday, J. H., Projections fron the anteroventral cochlear niclöeus to the lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei., J. Comp. Neurol., 247, 457-476 (1986)., Kopie,

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