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Kane, E.C.
Octopus cells in the cochlear nucleus oft he cat. Heteropopic synapses upon homotopic neurons, Int.J.Neurosci. 5, 251-279 (1973 / Patterns of degeneration in the caudal cochlear nucleus of the cat after cochear ablation., Anat. Rec. 179, 67-92 (1974), / Descending projections to specific regions of cat Dept. Anatomy Illinois 1976. pp. 434-450, / Kane & Finn cochlear nucleus. Exp.Neurol. 52, 372-288 (1976)., / Descening inputs to caudal cochlea nucleus in cats., A HRP study., Denscending and intrinscic inputs to the dorsal cochlear nucelus of cats. A HRP study., Neurioscienec 2, 807-912 (1977).,. / Primary afferents and the cochlear nucleus, Acad Press, New York 1978., pp. 337-351., /Kane & Barone. The dorsal nucelus of the lateral lemniscus in the cat. Neuronal types and their distributions., J. Comp.Neurol., 192, 797-826 (1980).
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