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LEHMANN, W., Saper, C. B., Rye, D. B., Wainer, B. H., Stabilization of TMB reaction product for electron microscopic retrograde and anterograde fiber tracing. Brain Res. Bull. 14, 277-281 (1985)., Obr., [SDG33]. / // TUCKER, D. C., Saper, C. B., Specificity of spinal projections from hypothalamic and brainstem areas which innervate sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Brain Res,. 360, 159-164 (1985)., Obr., [WES64].., // CECHETTO, D. F., Saper, C. B., Evidence for viscerotopic sensory representation in the cortex and thalamus in the rat., J. Comp. Neurol., 262, 27-45 (1987)., Obr., [WES102]..,
1985 Konvolut

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia


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ARVIDSON, B., Retrograde axonal transport of cadmium in the rat hypoglossal nerve. Neurosci. Letters, 62, 45-49 (1985), Obr., [SD58]. , ., / ARVIDSON, B., Influence of age on the development of cadmium induced vascular lesions in rat sensory ganglia. Environmental Research, 32, 240-246 (1983), Obr., [SD58]. , , / ARVIDSON, B., Cadmium toxicity and neural cell damage. Neurobiology of the trace elements I. Ed. by Ivor Dreosti & Richard Smith, Humana Press, Clifton 1983, pp. 51-78, Obr., [SD58]. // ARVIDSON, B., Tjälve, H,, Distribution of 109Cd in the nervous system of rats after intravenous injection., Acta Neuropath. 69, 111-116 (1986), , Obr., [SD11].

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