Schaper, Edzard Der Aufruhr des Gerechten., Eine Chronik., 1963 Jakob Hegner, Köln 1963, EA,
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SOMOGYI, P. HAN, Z. S., Buhl, E. H., Lörinczi, Z., Somogyi, P.m, A high degree of spatial selectivity in the axonal and dendritic domains of physiologically identified local-circuit neurons in the dentate gyrus of rat hippocampus-.,. Europ., J. Neurosci. 5, 395-410 (1993)., Obr., [WES117].. //,,SOMOGYI, P., Freund, T. F., Cowey, A. The axo-axonic interneuron in the cerebral cortex of the rat, cat and Monkey. Neuroscience 7, 2577-2607 (1982), Obr.,[WES33]. / SOMOGYI, P. Synaptic connections of neurones identified by golgi impregnation. Characterization by immunocytochemical enzyme histochemical, and degeneration methods. J. Electron Microscopy Technique 15, 332-351 (1990), Obr.,[WES33]. / SOMOGYI, P., Hodgson, A. J., Smith, A. D., Nunzi, M. G., Gorio, A., Wu, J. Y. Different populations of GABAergic neurons in the visual cortex and hippocampus of cat contain somatostatin or cholekystokinin immunoreactive material. J. Neurosci. 10, 2590-2603 (1984), Obr, [WES33]./
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