Kingsgbury, B.F. The extent of the floor-plate of His and its significance. `J.Comp.Neurol., 32, 113-135 (1920)., / The fundamental plan of the vertebrate brain., J. Comp.Neurol., 234, 461-491 (1922). / On the so called law of anteroposterior development., Anat. Recc. 33, 37-87 (1926), / The developmental significance of the floor-plate of the brain and spinal cord., J. Comp-Neurol, 50, 177-207 (1930) . / The law of cephalocaudal differential growth and its application to the nervous system. . J. Comp.Neurol., 56, 431-463 (1932). 400 Konvolut, Kopien.,
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