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SCHWAB, M. E., Myelin-associated inhibitors of neuritic growth. Exp. Neurol. 109, 2-5 (1990), Obr., [WES11]. // SCHWAB, M. E., Kapfhammer, J. P., Bandtlow, C. E. Inhibitors of neurite growth. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 16, 565-595 (1993), Obr., [WES64]., // KAPDHAMMER, J. P., Christ, F., Schwab, M. E., The growth associated protein GAP-43 is specifically expressed in tyrosine hydroxylase positive cell of rat retina., Developm. Brain Res. 101, 257-264 (1997)., Obr., [WES115]..,// KAPFHAMMER, J. P., Schwab, M. E., Increased expression of the growth associated protein GAB-3003 in the myelin free rat spinal cord. Eurp. J., Neurosci. 6, 403-411 (1994)., Obr., [WES115]..,
1990 Konvolut

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Goethe - Seine Leben und seine Werke

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Seltsam wie die Liebe. Stories.,

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CORWIN, J. T., Auditory neurons expand their terminal arbors throughout life and orient toward the site of postembryonic hair cell production in the macula neglecta in Elsamobranchs. J. Comp. Neurol. 239, 445-452 (1985)., Obr., [WES49]..,// CORWIN, J. T., Cotanche, D. A., Development of location specific hair cell stereocilia in denervated embryonic ears., J. Comp Neurol., 288, 529-537 (1989)., Obr., [WES100]..-,// CORWIN, J. T., Perpetual production of hair cells and maturational changes in hair cell ultrastructure accompany postembryonic growth in an amphibian ear. Proc. Natl. Ascad. Sci. 82, 3911-3915 (1985)., Opbr., [WES102]..,

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Hirsch, Charles Flynn & Susanne DeMarco
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