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SCHWARTZ, I. R. The differential distribution of label following uptake of 3H-labeled amino acids in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the cat., Exp. Neurol., 73, 601-617 (1981)., Obr., [WES73]..,// SCHWARTZ, I. R., Higa, J. F., Correlated studies of the ear and brainstem in the deaf white cat. Changes in the spiral ganglion and medial superior olivary nucleus., Acta Otolaryngol. 93, 9-188 (1982)., Obr., [WES74].-..,// SCHWARTZ, I. R., Ryan,. A. F-. Differential labeling of sensory cell and neural populations in the organ of Corti following amino acid incubations. Hearing Res. 9, 185-200 (1983)., Obr., [WES73].
1981 Konvolut,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia


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LI, D., Dield, P. M-, Raisman, G., Failure of axon regeneration in postnatal rat entorhino-hippocampal sluice coculture is due to maturation oof the axon, not that of the pathway or target., Europ. J., Neurosci., 7, 1164-1171 (1995)., Obr., [SDG129].., // LI, D., Field, P. M., Yoshioka, N., Raisman, G., Axons regenerate with correct specificity in horizotal slice culture of the postnatal rat entorhino-hippocampal system. Europ. J. Neuropsci., 6, 1026--1037 (1994)., Obr., [SDG129]..,

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Drei Erzählungen. IB Nr. 793.

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Ein junger Kater wünscht sich Mäuse., Gedichte, Fabeln und Geschichten von Katz und Maus., Illustriert von Eva Natus-Salomoun.,

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Weg der Enthüllung.,

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Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena
