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SCHWEIZER, H., Ruebsamen, R., Ruehle, C., Localization of brain stem motoneurons innervating the laryngeal muscles in the Rufous Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus rouxi., Brain Res. 230, 3001-50 (19819., Obr., [WES74]..,// SCHWEIZER, H., The connections of the inferior colliculusd and the osrganization of the brauinstem auditory system in the greater hporseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)., J. Comp. Neurol.-, 201, 225-3009 (1981)., Obr., [WES74]. (2)-..
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Weindl, Andrea
Mallorca., Reiseführer,

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D’Hearn, Elizabeth & M.- E. Molliver
Organization of raphe-cortical projections in rat. A quantitative retrograde study.,

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DISTLER, C., Hoffmann, K. P.,
Visual receptive fild properties in kitten pretectal nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract.

EUR 4,00
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Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von
Die Judenbuche. Bilder aus Westfalen.,

EUR 4,00
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Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena
