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EUR 16,00 Details zum Buch... | KANEKO, T. KANEKO, T., Saeki, K., Lee, T., Mizuno, N., Improved retrograde axonal transport and subsequent visualization of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-dextran amine by means of an acidic injection vehoicle and antibodies against TMR. J. Neurosci. Methods 65, 157-165 (1996)., Obr., [WEs115]..,// KANEKO, T., Caria, M. A., Asanuma, H., Information processing wthin motor cortex. I. Responses of morphologically identified motor cortical cells to stimulation of the somatosenory cortex., J. Comp. Neurol., 345, 161-171 (1994)., Obr., [WES115]..,// KANEKO, T., Caria, M. A., Asanuma, H., Information processing within motor cortex.II. intracortical connections between neurons receiving seomatosensory corticalinput and motor ysoutput neurons of the cortex., J,. Comp. Neurol., 345, 172-184 (1994)., Orb., [WES115]..,// KANEKO, T., Mizuno,n., Immunocytochemical study of glutaminase-containing neurons in the cerebral cortex and thalamus of the rat., J. Comp. Neurol., 267, 590--602 (1988)., Obr., [WES115]..,
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