Strittmatter, Eva Poesie und andre Nebendinge., 400 Aufbau, Berlin 1983,
gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
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Baumgarten, H. G. Baumgarten & Lachenmayer. Chemically induced degeneration of indolamine-containing nerve terminals in rat brain. Brain Res. 38, 228-232 (1972) / Baumgarten et al. Effects of 5,6 digydrixytryptamine on monoaminergic neurones in the central nervous system of the rat. J. Neurochem. 19, 1587-1597 (1972) / Evidence for degeneration of indolamine containing nerve terminals in rat brain, induced by 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. Z. Zellforsch.125, 553-569 (1972) . / Baumgarten & Lachenmayer. 5,7 didyroxytryptamin. Improvement in chemical lesioning of indolamine neurons in the Mammalian brain. Z. Zellforsch. 135, 399-414 (1972), / Indoleamine containing nerve terminals in the rat median eminence. Z. Zellforsch. 147, 285-292 (1974), / Baumgarten et al. Long-term recovery of serotonin concentrations in the rat CNS following 5,6 dihydroxytryptamine. Life Sci. 12, 357-364 (1973), / Baumgarten & Braak. Catecholamine im Hypothalamus vom Goldfisch (Carassius auratus). Z. Zellforsch. 80, 246-263 (1967).
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