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Strümpell, Adolf
Aus dem Leben eines Deutschen Klinikers. Erinnerungen und Beobachtungen.
1925 F. C. W. Vogel., Leipzig 1925,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oln., ,, 294s., in gutem Zustand, [NKA1,5] ()

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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EUR 4,00
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Talmazskaia, Fanny
Etude sur les concretions calcaires de la peau.,

EUR 9,00
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BLESSING, W. W., Furness, J. B., Costa, M., West, M. J., Chhalmers, J. P., Projection of ventrolateral medullary (A1) catecholamine neurons toward nucleus tractus solitarii. Cell Tiss Res. 220, 27-40 (1981)., Obr., [WES77]..,// BLESSING, W. W., Goodchild, A. K., Dampney, R. A. L., Chalmers, J. P., Cell groups in the lower brain stem of the rabbit projecting to the spinal cord, with special reference to catecholamine-containing neurons. Brain Res. 221, 35-55 (1981)., Obr., [WES77]..,// BLESSING, W. W., Hedger, S. C., Oertel, W. H., Vestibulospinal pathways in rabbit includes GABA-synthetizing neurons., Neurosci. Letters 80, 158-162 (1987)., Obr., [WES77]..,// BLESSING, W. W., Jaeger, C. B., Ruggiero, D. A., Reis, D. J., Hypothalamic projections of medullary catecholamine neurons in the rabbit. A combined catecholamine fluorescence and HRP transport study., Brain Res. Bull., 9, 279-286 (1982)., Obr.-, [WES77]..,// BLESSING, W. W., Reis, D. J., Inhibitory cardiovascular functions of neurons in the caudal ventrolateral medulla of the rabbit., Relationship to the area containing A1 noradrenergic cells., Brain Res. 253, 161-171 (1982)., Obr., [WES77]..,// GAI, W. P., Blessing, W. W., Blumbergs, P. C., Ubiquitin-positive degenerating neurites in the brainstem in Parkinson s disease., Brain 118, 1447-1459 (1995)., Obr.., [SDG264]..,//

EUR 9,00
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Koepnick, Andreas

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