Szymczak, Angelika Mein Kind ist krank., 2003 Gräfe & Unzer, München 2003,
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De Jong, Meindert Tien Pao ein Chinesenjunge.,
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Kawamura, Koki Kaeamura & Otani. Cortico-cortical fiber connections in the cat cerebrum. The frontal region. J. Comp. neurol. 139, 423-448 (1970). / Cortical fiber connections of the cat cerebrum. II. The parietal region. Brain Res. 51, 23-40 (1973)., / Cortical fiber connections of the cat cerebrum. III. The occipital region. Brain Res. 51, 41-60 (1973). / Kawamura et al. Cells of origin of corticopontine and corticotectal fibers in the medial and lateral banks of the middle and temporal suprasylvian sulcus in the cat. An experimental study with HRP. Neurosci.Letters 9, 129-135 (1978). / Kawamura & Konno. Various types of corticotectal neurons of cats as demonstrated by means of retrograde axonal transport of HRP. Exp. Brain Res. 35, 161-175 (1979).
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