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Dominik, Hans
Unsichtbare Kräfte., Science Fiction.,
1977 Heyne, München 1977.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

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INAGAKI, S., Shiosaka, S., Takatsuji, K., Iida, H., Sakanaka, M., Senba, E., Hara, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Kawai, Y., Tohyama, M. Ontogeny of somatostatin-containing neuron system of the rat cerebellum including ist fiber connections. An experimental and immunocytochemical analysis. Developm. Brain Res. 3, 509-527 (1982) , Obr., [WES51].. // // KAMEI, I., Shiosaka, S., Senba, E., Takagi, H., Sanakanka, M., Inagaki, S., Takatsuki, K., Nakai, K., Imai, H., Takura, T., Tomai, N., Tohyama, M., Comparative anatomy of the distribution of catecholamines within the inferior olivary complex from teleosts to primates., J. Comp. Neurol., 202, 125-133 (1981)., Obr., [WES71]..,// KAWAI, Y., Inagaki, S., Shiosaka, S., Senba, E., Hara, Y., Sakanaka, M., Takatsuki, K., Tohyama, M., Long descending projections from amygdaloid somatostatin-containing cells to the lower brain stem., Brain Res. 239, 603-607 (1982)., Obr., [SD158].,// KAWAI, Y., Inagaki, S., Shiosaka, S., Senba, E., Takatsuki, K., Sakanaka, M., Umegaki, K., Tohyama, M., Multiple innervation of substance-P containing fibers in the parabrachial area of the rat. Neurosci. Letters 33, 271-274 (1982)., Obr., [SD158]..,

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LOUGHLIN, S. E., Foote, S. L., Grzanna, R.,
Efferent projections of nucleus locus coeruleus . Morphologic subpopulations have different efferent targets.,

EUR 4,00
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Kienast, Wolfgang
Das Risiko der Perfektion. Kriminalroman.

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Prusek, Jaroslav
Die Jadegöttin. Zwölf Geschichten aus dem mittelalterlichen China.,

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