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EUR 16,00 Details zum Buch... | MALER, L., FRYER, J., Maler, L., Enhanced uptake of HRP by hypophysiotropic neurons following stress and adrenalectomy. Brain Res. 242, 179-183 (1982)., Obr., [WES59]..,// SAS, E., Maler, L. , The optic tectum of gymnotiform Teleosts Eigenmannia virescens and Apteronotus leptorhynchus . A golgi study. Neuroscience 18, 215-246 (1986) , Obr., [SD8].., // CARR, C. E., Maler, L., Heiligenberg, W., Sas, E., Laminar organization of the afferent and efferent systems of the torus semicircularis of gymnotiform fish. Morphological substrates for paralell processing in the electrosensory system., J. Comp Neurol., 203, 649-670 (19819., Obr., [WES80..,// MALER, L., Boland, M., Patrick, J., Ellis, W. , Localization of zinc in the macemaker nucleus of high frequency gymnotid fish., In The neurobiology of zinc, A. R. A., Liss, New York 198300, pp. 199-212, Obr., [SD200].., // MALER, L., Collins, M., Mathieson, W. B., The distribution of acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyl transferase in the cerebellum and posterior lateral line lobe of weakly electrc fish (GymnotidaeI., Brain Es 226, 320-325 ((1981)., Orb., [WES81]..,
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