Witmer, Lightner. The psychological clinic. Journal of orthogenics for the normal development of every child., Psychology, Hygiene, Education., Vol. XII, 1918-1919., 1919 Philadelphia 1919.,
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ANDERSON, J. C. ANDERSON, J. C., Douglas, R. J.-, Martin, K.. A. C., Nelson, JK. C., Synaptic output of physiologically identified spiny sellate neurons in cat visual cortex., J. Comp. Neurol., 33001, 16-2300 (1994)., Obr., [WES101]..,// ANDERSON, J. C., Douglas, R. J., Martin, K. A. C., Nelson, J. C., Map of synapses formed with the dendrites of spiny stellate neurons iof cat visual cortex.-, J. Comp. Neurol., 33001, 25-28 (1994)., Obr.-, [WES101]. // AHMED, B., Anderson, J. C., Douglas, R. J., Martin, K. A. C., Nelson, J. C., Polyneural innervation of spiny stellate neurons in cat visua,l cortex., J. Comp. Neurol., 341, 39-49 (1994)., Obr., [WES101]..
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