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PERCHERON, G., Yelnik, J., Francois. C.
, A Golgi anaylsis of the Primate globus pallidus. III. spatial organization of the striato-pallidal complex.
1984 J. Comp. Neurol. 227, 214-227 (1984) ,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr.,., [WES5]. .

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ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, R., Livett, B. G., Uttenthal, L. O., Hope, D. B., Milton, S. H., Immunochemical evidence for the transport of neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the dog., Z. Zellforsch., 137,435-450 (1973)., Obr., [SD191].., // SOFRONIEW, M. V., Weindl, A., Schinko, I., Wetzstein, R., The distribution of vasopressin-, oxytocin-, and neurophysin-producing neurons in the guinea pig brain. I. the classical hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Cell Tiss Res. 196, 367--384 (1979)., Obr., [SD72].., //

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YAMAUCHI, K. Yasuda, M., Cogi-cox studies on the chicken diencephalon. J. Hirnsforsch. 2300, 9-13 (1983)., Obr., [WES73]....,// YAMADORI, T., Yamauchi, K. E., En experimental anatomical study on the optic nerve fibers in the rat. Courses of the accessory optic tract. Brain Res,.. 269, 41-46 (1983)., Obr., Unterstr. [SD17]..

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Oheim, Gertrud
Einmaleins des guten Tons.,

EUR 4,00
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Schuster, Hermann, Walter Franke, Otto Clemen & Rudolf Peters
Glaube und Leben. I. Bibelkunde und Kirchengeschichte.,

EUR 16,00
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