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Cleante bicolor Salisb. Sparaxis tricolor Ker. Homeria elegans Sweet. Homeria aurantiaca Sweet. Homeria collina Vent. Lithographie Tafel 40 (Iridaceae) v. F. Thwaits u. E. Dixie aus: Marloth, Rudolf: The Flora of South Africa, Vol. IV.
London (1913).

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Graphik - Botanik

28,4 x 20 cm. Ecken oben gebräunt. Rand unten fleckig.

[SW: Botanik]
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 6 Werktage
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Curtis - Allium stellatium. Allium reticulatum. Altkolorierter Kupferstich aus Botanical Magazine Nr. 1840.

EUR 22,00
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Ornithogalum, racemo comico laxo, pedunculis longissimis, floribus erectis - Milchstern. Kol. Kupfstich nach R. Lancake Plate CXCII aus: Miller, Philipp: Figures of the most beautiful, useful.....their description...according to Ray's, Tournefort's and Linneaus's method of classing them.

EUR 100,00
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Conium maculatum. Common Hemlock. Kol. Lithographie DCXXIX aus James Sowerby: "English Botany".

EUR 15,00
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Aloe africana foliis planis latioribus..flore rubro. Kol. Kupferstich XIX von J. Jefferys aus: Miller, Philipp: Figures of the most beautiful, useful and uncommon plants...

EUR 80,00
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EUR 25,00
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Antiquariat Bücheretage, DE-53111 Bonn
