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Michotte, A.:
La perception de la causalité.
Louvain, Editions de l`institut supérieur de Philosophie, 1946.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Psychologie / Tiefenpsychologie

Michotte, A.:  La perception de la causalité.
Ex-Bibliotheks-Exemplar mit kleinen Stempeln auf der Titelseite und Bibl. Schildchen am Rücken, die Seiten papierbedingt gebräunt, sonst gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE der grundlegenden Arbeit. Zu dieser Arbeit SIEHE WIKIPEDIA : The main focus of Michotte`s research was perception. This was the theme of his first research, and it was to this field, albeit with a new perspective, that almost all of his work after 1940 is devoted. He also had a reputation for creating new and creative techniques and instruments.[2] His 1945 book, The Perception of Causality, published in French, became the pioneer work in event perception and met with international acclaim.[3][4][5][6] In this book, he shows how certain very simple visual sequences carry the appearance of causal connectedness. Michotte emphasizes that this appearance is perceptual, not inferred by association: "[T]his is not just a “meaning” attributed to the literal, step-by-step translation of a table of stimuli; they are primitive specific impressions which arise in the perceptual field itself," he writes. Though Michotte is often criticized for too-strong conclusions, his work on the perception of causality is generally regarded as path-breaking and correct, at least at its core.[7] However, he did not see the study of perception of causality as a simple isolated problem. Originalbroschur. Broché VIII, 296 Seiten. ERSTAUSGABE.

Ex-Bibliotheks-Exemplar mit kleinen Stempeln auf der Titelseite und Bibl. Schildchen am Rücken, die Seiten papierbedingt gebräunt, sonst gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE der grundlegenden Arbeit. Zu dieser Arbeit SIEHE WIKIPEDIA : The main focus of Michotte`s research was perception. This was the theme of his first research, and it was to this field, albeit with a new perspective, that almost all of his work after 1940 is devoted. He also had a reputation for creating new and creative techniques and instruments.[2] His 1945 book, The Perception of Causality, published in French, became the pioneer work in event perception and met with international acclaim.[3][4][5][6] In this book, he shows how certain very simple visual sequences carry the appearance of causal connectedness. Michotte emphasizes that this appearance is perceptual, not inferred by association: "[T]his is not just a “meaning” attributed to the literal, step-by-step translation of a table of stimuli; they are primitive specific impressions which arise in the perceptual field itself," he writes. Though Michotte is often criticized for too-strong conclusions, his work on the perception of causality is generally regarded as path-breaking and correct, at least at its core.[7] However, he did not see the study of perception of causality as a simple isolated problem.

[SW: Wahrnehmung, Kausalität, Kausalbegriff, Kausalitätsbegriff, Psychologie]
Wahrnehmung, Kausalität, Kausalbegriff, Kausalitätsbegriff, Psychologie
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