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Rufus, Curtius
Q. Curtii Rufi, de Rebus gestis, Alexandri Magni. Libri X.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literatur bis 1900

Orig. vellum. Third edition. Illustrated chapter vignettes and initials. Vignettes at the bottom of each chapter. With detailed footnotes on every page. 800 paginated pages plus many more pages which are not paginated. With a map: Tabula geographica expeditionum Alexandri Magni. --- Quintus Curtius Rufus was a Roman historian, probably of the 1st century, author of his only known and only surviving work, Historiae Alexandri Magni, »Histories of Alexander the Great«, or more fully Historiarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis Libri Qui Supersunt, »All the Books That Survive of the Histories of Alexander the Great of Macedon.« Much of it is missing. Apart from his name on the manuscripts, nothing else certain is known of him. This fact alone has led philologists to believe that he had another historical identity, to which, due to the accidents of time, the link has been broken. A few theories exist. They are treated with varying degrees of credibility by various authors. Meanwhile, the identity of Quintus Curtius Rufus, historian, is maintained separately. --- Ad optimos Codices emendate editi, et notis grammaticis textum perspicue explicantibus, ac Iuventuti scholasticae plurimum profuturis, aucti. Quibus accessere: Chronologia Curtiana, praeter supplementum novum, Monarchiae Graecae Historiam usque ad eius finem complectens; tum etiam dispositiones orationum omnium in Curtio inueniendarum Logico-Rhetoricae prorsus luculentae, & imitationum aliquot facillimarum exempla; ac denique index locupletissimus. Cura & studio Christiani Juncker / Dresdensis, Olim Historiographi Ducalis Saxo - Hennebergici, & Gymnasii Altenburgici Directoris. Post mortem autoris haec editio tertia multis in locis correcta, nouisque notis aucta est.; Jahr: 1715; Format: Kleinoktav; Anzahl der Seiten: 800; Auflage: 3.; Zustand: 3 (Old handwriting on doublure. Few pages strongly stained.)Auf Grund der Versandkostenvorgaben von AbeBooks/ZVAB (die Versandkostenkalkulation richtet sich nicht nach Gewicht, sondern nach Anzahl der Artikel), kann es bei Titeln mit über 1000 Gramm Gewicht oder größeren Formaten zu höheren Portokosten kommen. Nach Bestelleingang erfolgt eine Anfrage, ob Sie einverstanden sind.

[SW: Alexander the Great, Roman Empire, Alexander der Große, Geschichtsschreibung, Klassische Philologie, Rom, Römisches Reich]
Alexander, Great, Roman, Empire, Alexander, Große, Geschichtsschreibung, Klassische, Philologie, Römisches, Reich
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