Betto, Frei Nachtgespräche mit Fidel., Autobiographisches – Kuba – Sozialismus – Christentum. Theologie der Befreiung., 1987 Edition Exodus, Freiburg 1987.,
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ZILLES, K. WREE, A., Angenendt, H. W., Zilles, K., The size of the zone of origin of callosal afferents projecting to the primary visual cortex contralateral to the remaining eye in rats monocularly enucleated at different postnatal ages. Anat. Embryol. 174, 91-96 (1986)., Obr., [WES26]. // SCHLAUG, G., Armstrong, E., Schleicher, A., Zilles, K., Layer V pyramidal cells in the adult human cingulate cortex. Anat. Embryol. 187, 525-532 (1993)., Obr., [WES66].., // / / KALMAN, M., Csillag, A., Schleicher, A., Rind, C., Hajos, F., Zilles, K., Long-term effects of anterograde degeneration on astroglial reaction in the rat geniculo-cortical system as revealed by computerized image analysis,. Anat. Embryol., 187, 1-7 (1999)., Obr., [WES115]..,
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