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Press Corporation Ltd.:
Adventures in Nyassaland Malawi Against Polio records its indebtedness and gratitude for their generosity
Gilbert and Rivington Ltd.PCL, 1987.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichte

Sec. Edition 304 pages book cover cloth, jacket ill.(good/very good condition)

Slavery in Central Africa first reported by Livingstone. This book tells the story of the war as seen through the eyes of one of its main combatants. He was a man who gave his life to Africa in the same year, as the Arabs were defeated after a brief resurgence of slaving activity. The peace finally brought then to a tortured land has lasted until today. Fred Moir, one of the founding fathers of the African Lakes Company, published his own reminiscences in 1923, re-issued in 1986 by the Rotary Club Gs

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Capa, Robert:
Summer Days, Days of Peace Berlin 1945 Translated by Michael Robinson (Edition Photothek XVI, edit. by Diethard Krebs)

EUR 10,00
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Mehnert, Klaus:
Der deutsche Standort

EUR 2,00
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Simon, Karl Günter:
Die Kronprinzen - eine Generation auf dem Wege zur Macht -

EUR 2,00
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Rogge, D.Bernh:
Fürst Bismarck - der erste Reichskanzler Deutschlands - ein Lebensbild zu dessen achtzigstem Geburtstag am 1. April 1895 -

EUR 4,00
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