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Jordan, Chris:
In Kathrina`s Wake.
Princeton Architectural Press, New York, no year (2005).

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Photographie

Jordan, Chris:  In Kathrina`s Wake.
Portraits of loss form and unnatural disaster. Photographs by Chris Jordan. Essays by Bill McKibben and Susan Zakin. Poems by Victoria Sloan Jordan. Ganz kleine Kratzspur an der vorderen unteren Rückenkante,am Fuß des Rückens ganz kleines Fleckchen, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Zu JORDAN vgl. WIKIPDIA : Many of Jordan`s works are created from photographs of garbage and mass consumption, a serendipitous technique which started when he visited an industrial yard to look at patterns of color and order. Jordan uses everyday commonalities such as a plastic cup and defines the blind unawareness involved in American consumerism. His work, while often unsettling, is a message about unconscious behaviors in our everyday lives, leaving it to the viewer to draw conclusions about the inevitable consequences which will arise from our habits.[2] Jordan`s work can be grouped in the following series: Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption (2003–2006)[3] – A series of large format photographs depicting the magnitude of America`s waste and consumption. In Katrina’s Wake: Portraits of Loss from an Unnatural Disaster (2005)[4] – A series of photographs taken in 2005 depicting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Running The Numbers I: An American Self Portrait (2006–2009)[5] – A series of photographic mosaics depicting visualizations of statistics related to America`s consumerism, social problems, and addictions. Running the Numbers II: Portraits of global mass culture Originalleinen. Original cloth 111 pages. Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen. First edition

Ganz kleine Kratzspur an der vorderen unteren Rückenkante,am Fuß des Rückens ganz kleines Fleckchen, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Zu JORDAN vgl. WIKIPDIA : Many of Jordan`s works are created from photographs of garbage and mass consumption, a serendipitous technique which started when he visited an industrial yard to look at patterns of color and order. Jordan uses everyday commonalities such as a plastic cup and defines the blind unawareness involved in American consumerism. His work, while often unsettling, is a message about unconscious behaviors in our everyday lives, leaving it to the viewer to draw conclusions about the inevitable consequences which will arise from our habits.[2] Jordan`s work can be grouped in the following series: Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption (2003–2006)[3] – A series of large format photographs depicting the magnitude of America`s waste and consumption. In Katrina’s Wake: Portraits of Loss from an Unnatural Disaster (2005)[4] – A series of photographs taken in 2005 depicting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Running The Numbers I: An American Self Portrait (2006–2009)[5] – A series of photographic mosaics depicting visualizations of statistics related to America`s consumerism, social problems, and addictions. Running the Numbers II: Portraits of global mass culture

[SW: Photographie, Photographer, PhotograIn Kathrina_photography, Hurrikan, Desaster, hurricane, Dokumentation]
Photographie, Photographer, PhotograIn, Kathrina_photography, Hurrikan, Desaster, hurricane, Dokumentation
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